Open House 2019
Every year, CDK Stone showcases their extensive range of machinery, tools and equipment during our Open House events. All under one roof, this premier industry event was hosted at our Sydney head office on Friday 15th of March.
Another huge success, this event focuses on demonstrating the latest machinery, showcasing leading tools & equipment, hosting industry discussions and exhibiting our Natural Stone & Neolith collection.
This year was our biggest event to date; with the inclusion of industry presentations, networking discussions, more live machinery, tool demonstrations and more international suppliers.
Our Open House events are a must attend for Australian Stone Industry professionals.

CDK Stone would like to thank all that attended the 2019 Open House event.
If you missed out don’t worry, we have even more planned for the next year’s Open House in Melbourne. 2020 marks our 10th Open House and this will be our biggest event to date. Sign up below to make sure you are the first to know about Open House 2020.
Pre-Register for Open House 2020