Author Archives: admin

New Year, New Neutrals!

Superwhite Dolomite Natural Stone CDK Stone

Providing a sharp, bold veining, Super White Dolomite is set to be the most sought-after stone of 2019. Balancing both highlights and shadows, whites and blacks, Super White is simply breath-taking. Asserting itself’s as a dominant force in the minimalist movement, Super White Dolomite emphatic yet elegant.

The International Surface Event 2019

CDK Stone Machinery Tools Equipment The International Surface Event Blog

The International Surface Event is the largest North American flooring, stone and tiling industry event. With exhibitions and demonstrations from the largest suppliers of stone machinery and tools, this event is displays the latest products, advice and new technologies. Held in Las Vegas, CDK Stone’s Machinery, Tools and Equipment specialists have been discovering the latest the international stone industry has to offer.

Talking Stone With Domain

CDK Stone Quality Control

CDK Stone Director, David Onesti has lived and breathed all things stone for over 20 years. Travelling all over the globe in search for your next masterpiece, David hand-picks CDK Stone’s superb range of Marble, Granite, Limestone, Travertine, Dolomite and other exotic stones.

Fresh from CDK Stone supplying The Block’s most beautiful kitchen with Marble, David recently spoke with Domain about Marble benchtops. With so much experience in choosing the perfect stone, David shared his thoughts about what makes Marble so special.

The Block’s Most Beautiful Kitchen Boasts CDK Stone’s Marble

The Block Jess and Norm CDK Stone Calacatta Marble Cote D'Azure

Jess and Norm once again stole the show on last night’s episode of The Block. Fast becoming the hottest house of this season, Jess and Norm’s penthouse was the feature of kitchen week. Showcasing a luxurious Calacatta Marble benchtop from CDK Stone, this kitchen captivated the judge’s eye.